Monday, 21 November 2016

The Siren - a Legend of the APEs story

I was up before the Germans. In trainers and a glorified string vest (fully breathable, seasonally adjustable, £159.99) I ran three laps of the complex, timing myself. Thirty minutes and a bit, which at my usual pace added up to something over six kilometres. I run at at eight minute mile pace, not bad for my age but a full minute slower than my peak a quarter of a century ago. Back then, I cared little for running; it was too easy, and to run at speed made me look unattractively keen. I mused upon what I might once have been capable of, had I put the hours in...

To read the rest of this story on Kindle, please get it from Amazon.

We at Jon Horne's New Words apologise to readers for the inconvenience. I'm trying to sort it so that I can publish the stories on Kindle and leave them on here.